
Saturday, April 09, 2011


Huh? it's late in my place
good news. chicken has done the luoong story and now can work on fma again. BUT!
the english teacher gave us horriblle hw... actually not that horrible for me, but i made it horrible. make it 180 words, he said, an I've done 400 kind, and counting.
God bless me. And I still have 2 pending poems for my friend fb, he's not following, remember, and I'm gonna write an article, a terrible one, because it's a very orisinal thinking, and I might be killed.
hey chicken serious!!!!!
so i'll try to get the article done today, and i'll try my best to not be killed....
btw fma fans thx for waiting, 5 will be done, unflrtunately, NEXT week.
that's all for now. good night, please call it a day, just another crazy elllipsis from me. thank you for watching writer channel. good night, sweet dreams.
(what, i'm a presenter now?)
btw english teacher, i can't give you the story on monday unless you won't mind a soft copy because no time to print. and sorry there was a '18+' content.
thank you for the attention and good night.

1 comment:

  1. actually, the film from the english teacher wasn't clear enough for me..besides, i'm not into futuristic-story...
